This study identified and remediederrors committed in Basic Science among Upper Basic 2 Students in Nasarawa Education Zone, Kano.The research designs usedweresurvey for Errors Identification and Quasi- experimental design to test the students‟ performance level involving pre-testand post-testwith 60 students each in both control and experimental groups. Thestudy population was 8569from28 Public schools. A sample size of 120 randomly selected Upper Basic 2 Students participated in the study. It comprised of60 males and 60 female students. The research instruments were Basic Science Error Identification Test (BSEIT) used to identify errors committed and Basic Science Performance Test (BSPT) used to test the students‟performance inBasic Science. The instruments were validated by the supervisor and other experts in Basic science teaching. A pilot study was conducted to collect data for establishing the reliability coefficient 0.87 of the BSEITusing test re test method.Treatment was given to the experimental group using demonstration teaching method. Four research questions and three null hypotheses were raised, the null hypotheses of the research were tested usingt- test and ANOVA statistics at p ≤ 0.05 alpha level of significance.Based on data analysis using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) hypotheses one and three wereretained while hypothesis two was rejected.The result showed that demonstrationteaching method was relatively more effective for remediating identified errors among Upper Basic students. Theacademic performances of students taught Basic Science using demonstration teaching method was higher thanthat of the students taught using lecture method.Thus, it is recommended that demonstration teaching method should be used to remedy Basic science errors among students.
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